Inspire the cause of Education, Indian Culture and Tradition by supporting various cultural and educational activities.
Our institution believes that integrity is the gateway to trust , acceptance and respect for self as well as for others
A place filled with immense energy, innocency and talents budding in our Pre-Primary campus-the toddler’s second home.
Know MoreA place where Nature exists in its true form with customized facilities for the future citizens of our nation.
Know MoreA temple of learning where knowledge, skills, learnings, activites, talents and moral values are nurtured.
Know MoreA home, it is said, is a place that will always welcome you back. We want our school to be a home which you will always take with you. We hope to help you learn with understanding and by understanding what you learn. We wish to guide you without judging you, teach you without patronising you and be open to learning from you when we need help with any of the above. We hope each day you go home, you return to us the next day because this is where you want to be.
Learning record store (lrs) bite-sized learning avatar elearning, multimedia scenario serious games
The school helps the students to strive for creative thinking and help them to develop self-reliance. The school sees to it that the core principles of teaching are inculcated.
Smart education, a concept that describes learning in digital age, has gained increased attention and we have been the pioneers in it.
All our classrooms are equipped with smart class connection, display boards, aesthetic furnishing, and projectors
In addition, a high-speed broadband connection facilitates in easy access to any required information.
Teachers at Sudarshan Vidya Mandir are Professional and are value-driven, guided by principles, passion, and a purpose bigger than individual.
Sudarshan Vidya Mandir that promotes the teachers profession above personal gain.
Transport – The need for safe passage of each child to school and back home is of paramount importance to us
Instructor led training digital learning cbt completion criteria learning management system cognitive load byod self-directed learning knowledge
Smart education, a concept that describes learning in digital age, has gained increased attention and we have been the pioneers in it.
All our classrooms are equipped with smart class connection, display boards, aesthetic furnishing, and projectors. In addition, a high-speed broadband connection facilitates in easy access to any required information.
In such a hi-tech classroom, it becomes easy for our teachers to derive even the most complex chapters or concepts from easy illustrations, presentation or animated videos. As a result, the child is able to learn and grasp easily. Also, with visual aid, it is more effective and long lasting.
Teachers at Sudarshan Vidya Mandir are Professional and are value-driven, guided by principles, passion, and a purpose bigger than individual. We are an organization that promotes their profession above personal gain.
Transport – The need for safe passage of each child to school and back home is of paramount importance to us. To ensure safe travel, the school has its own fleet of school buses designed as per standards and manned by trained drivers and personnel sensitized to the needs of small children. For supervision and monitoring a transport attendant is on board throughout the journey. Mobile phones have been provided in each bus that ensures efficiency in terms of service and better communication in case of emergencies. Also safe trax is installed in each of the buses to ensure the tracking of the buses by parents to and fro. Besides ensuring the implementation of the safety norms, all staff on the bus is well trained in first aid and emergency management
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